Thursday, September 3, 2020
Liberilism Vs. Conservatism Essays - Presidency Of Harry S. Truman
Liberilism Vs. Conservatism At the point when one considers nonconformists and moderates it will in general be an examination of totally various perspectives concerning each issue. Traditionalist reasoning is routinely connected with the Republican Party while liberal reasoning is consistently connected with the Democratic Party. Two such figures that ring a bell whose perspectives will in general put them on inverse sides of the political range are presidents Herbert C. Hoover and Harry S. Truman. For instance, Hoover's inability to intercede in the private division of the economy during the baby phases of the Great Depression concurs with the preservationist thought of a free market economy. Interestingly, Truman proceeded with Roosevelt's generously upheld change measures. One significant factor that impacts a political figure's dynamic is his/her ethics and convictions. Preservationists for the most part have extraordinary impact from conventional establishments, for example, church. As a youngster, Hoover was brought up in a rustic Quaker people group with an exacting faith in the congregation and the conventional family. This prompted his moderate convictions and activities. During his administration, Hoover vowed to maintain the denial revision, since drinking was viewed as a shrewdness in the Quakers (Encarta). Besides, he vowed to implement national laws. This went about with the moderate that that authority is expected to make man impervious to underhanded. Hoover turned into a mogul when he was forty with incredible exertion. His conservatism and regard for power earned him that position. Then again, progressivism lectured that conviction that man has a characteristic capacity to reason out good and bad. Truman didn't present any significant wr ongdoing enactment, nor did he accept that much authority was required for man to reason out good and bad (Bernstein 93). Concerning the perspectives on the idea of man, Truman and Hoover built up their perspectives in their initial years. Truman being a rancher on the most fundamental level never let go the difficulties of homestead life. He was a self-trained man, he would peruse numerous books, and American history books in his extra time rather than the typical youth exercises. He accepted that man is fundamentally acceptable, and not being an affluent man himself, he accepted that riches makes man degenerate. Hoover had a run of the mill nation youth, and his Quaker convictions instructed him that man is fundamentally insidious (Smith 146). He accepted enormously in the congregation to show him what to make progress toward throughout everyday life and what is good and bad. These childhoods affected Hoover and Truman in their traditionalist and liberal convictions. Dissidents empower social change, for example, social equality. Truman was an incredible promoter of social equality. Truman, as a congressperson, marked a fruitless appeal to end a delay on an enemy of survey charge measure, and consented to examinations of racial segregation on war contracts and in the outfitted administrations (Encarta). Social liberties pioneers saw Truman's Fair Deal enactment helpful to African-Americans, it incorporated a full work act, expanded joblessness pay, and a higher the lowest pay permitted by law. In 1948, Truman requested that Congress sanction laws precluding Jim Crow laws, and he taught the Secretary of Defense to end segregation in the furnished administrations. These and numerous different estimates Truman took to implement his confidence in a fast social change. Walter White said in 1952 ?No tenant of the White House since the country was conceived has taken so frontal or consistent a remain against racial segregation as has Harry S. Truman.? H is heritage cleared path for the social liberties developments in later years. Hoover, being a preservationist, had confidence in moderate social change worked around past conventional qualities and convictions. Hoover didn't request that congress pass any new laws, nor did he take any measures concerning social change as government assistance and social liberties (Smith). His convictions disrupted the general flow of rolling out any social improvement for the advancement of society. Radicalism in the twentieth century has been exceptionally dynamic against disparity. The Truman organization began the fight proceeding to later ages. Truman, being a southern man, saw the racial segregation in the South and saw a requirement for social change. Truman felt that African-Americans needed to end disparity, however not isolation. As expressed above, Truman took numerous measures to guarantee balance for the African-Americans. He likewise took measures to make
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Gambling Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Betting - Research Paper Example Some time ago betting was viewed as illicit or an ill bred action however now it has become a Multi-billion dollar action in many pieces of the world. In numerous pieces of the world financing good cause and other intentional works are vigorously subsidized with the cash raised from betting. Individuals will in general fantasize that what they would do when they would win the lottery however for the most part individuals depend on purchasing lottery tickets and some infrequently bet with goals that their lives are not truly influenced with it. After the endorsement of authorizing betting in the United States, there has been a huge decrease in specific sorts of betting which incorporate purchasing lottery tickets and for the most part bingo for various money prizes (Pew Research Center 2006). Betting in the perspective on numerous individuals is the most well known sort of fun satisfaction action today. A large portion of the individuals enjoy betting on the grounds that they feel a surge or another sort of feeling each time they put down a wager whether it is on sports on its club betting. For the most part it is an apparatus to have a great time among the greater part of the individuals. Since betting is being sanctioned in numerous pieces of the world, accordingly administrative bodies have forced numerous laws for safe betting. All things considered the essential explanation for legitimizing betting was the foundation of betting spots which assumes a significant job in the financial turn of events. Numerous strict gatherings challenged the legitimization of betting and they for the most part centered around the key focuses that it will undermine the soundness of the network (Azmier 2000). After the Gambling was sanctioned in the United States of America, it was apparent that individuals began to spend more cash on lawful betting now and this is a huge change whenever contrasted with history. The sanctioning of betting urged individuals to bet beyond what the breaking point they could bear. Purchasing lottery tickets has expanded fundamentally in United States of America and an enormous extent of individuals accept that it is an approach to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Human Rights Watch Australia
Question: Depict about the Human Rights Watch for Australia? Answer: Presentation: Great administration is an important component of solid turn of events It is paltry. In east and Southeast Asia, the recently industrialized economy is the primary stick of the expanding social headway and the ongoing development of economy. Likewise It has adjusted guesses and structured points of view toward the financial aspects of improvement with around giving greatness being given toward the East Asian qualities and advancement arranged power or an advancement State as an idealistic power for development of economy and social change. Human Rights is another consuming issue now a days. The privileges of human face genuine infringement as a result of the expanding intensity of official specialists. Human rights are those rights which each person is brought into the world with (Sano, Alfredsson and Clapp, 2002). On account of various religion, age or other individual variables like shade of skin these rights can't be denied. At some point it appears that there are numerous logical inconsistencies between Good Governance and Human Rights, particularly then the topic of utilization is come. In any case, in the book Human Rights and Good Governance altered by Hans-Otto Sano, an article Good Governance: How Does It Relate to Human Rights? the creator shows that how they are connected with one another, and at some point how they at some point cross their breaking point and mischief one another. However, in the end the creator found that practically speaking really the Good Governance reinforce human right. And furthermore great human rights condition additionally assists with accomplishing the principle objective of Good Governance that is Development The main law based nation on the planet at the present is Australia no bill of national rights. Some wide-going type of legitimate safeguard for required rights is in any case seen as a fundamental parity and check in self-governing mastery all through the world. No ifs, ands or buts, no dream can be found of a self-ruling country that has been raised a legitimate framework or another constitution in current years that has not in participated some human rights. Why Australia is then has become the rejection? The reaction to this can be taken from an earlier time. Despite the fact that we and a lot more have that discernment that Australia is perhaps the most youthful nation however in certainty it is one of the old one in the entire world. The constitution of Australia is still absolutely as it was when approved in 1901, the constitution of Australia while returns to the period of 1850.the settlements of Australia, there legitimate framework and the Australian constitution where imagined when with the notable special cases of bills of privileges of 1791 of US, through a singular lawful instrument were not ensured (Chalmers, 2015). Without question, in United States there was no such order, on which the legitimate association is extensively based.aferthe second universal war and the revelation of all inclusive human rights however till then the arrangement of organization of Australia was in administration for quite a long time. Not just has legitimate arrangement of Australia contradicted change but on the other hand is old by world arrangement. This is yet progressively applicable today, with the last unbeaten vote to change the Australian Constitution in 1977 when it was modified, in further things, to fix a retreat age for high court decided as 70 years. An extra eight inefficient plans are given to the individuals from that point forward. From the hour of 1977 is currently the longest period with no change in constitution of Australia. Other than this the accompanying longest stage was from 1946 1967. An article by max chalmers has clarified that for the second year in the line, Australia has made a disgrace rundown of global human rights. We are not just coming toward the end in the worldwide human rights list yet have been titled as the greatest human right abusers around the globe. There are 5 zones due to which Australia has been generally uncovered. (NEWS 1 Feb 2015 Human Rights Watch 2015: The 5 Biggest Issues Facing Australia By Max Chalmers) 1) Asylum searchers Australias treatment towards refuge searchers have been managed higher than ever of ruthlessness by the Abbott government. Their uncertain confinement and poor and antagonistic security and not giving option to advance has upgraded their sufferings. Indeed, even UN high commission has censured Australias displaced person arrangements (WORLD REPORT, 2015). 2) Disabilities rights According to the reports out of the entire Australia, its 45 level of populace live beneath or almost to the line of destitution and the request of the human commission has in the top additionally found that there are no satisfactory protections and a poor access for their help. Notwithstanding this, the job of incapacity separation magistrate was nullified shorty by the alliance government. Furthermore, have likewise moved the individuals off the more lucrative incapacity bolster annuity. 3) Marriage correspondence This strategy was some time in the past presented by the Britain protection party and was very popular in Australia. In ACT, work had presented a law of same sex relationships just to have them turned by the high court and ACT law was passed.. Likewise regardless of David Camerons individual help, it was not grasped by the British preservationist party-more tory MPs casted a ballot against uniformity than decided in favor of it (Westerman, 2015). It was passed in light of the fact that by far most of UK work MPs casted a ballot in favor. 4) The crush on free articulation The report not just centered around the counter dread laws recently made yet has likewise reprimanded excessively expansive new offense of upholding psychological warfare and has additionally proclaimed the confined zones. Likewise the consideration has been attracted to information maintenance laws which were pending and has additionally advised the media transmission industry to hold information for at any rate two years and give ASIO get to. Incredible article by Max Chalmers. Anyway there are some other significant human rights manhandles being submitted by Lib-Lab Australia. (National Australia under the spotlight in Human Rights Watch World Report 2015) 1. The continuous Australian native decimation and Australian native ethnocide. It is evaluated that in 1788 there were 300 particular native language gatherings and 750 lingos of which just 150 endure and everything except 20 are imperiled. On 26 January 1788 the British intrusion of Australia was completely demolished hitch included 600 Australian clans which were novel and comparative number of lingos and the dialects. This made the native massacre of Australia the most exceedingly terrible slaughter throughout the entire existence of human (, 2015). The avoidable yearly pace of death from denies is 0.4% dad. South Africa which is devastated and the Australia being one of the most extravagant nation have same avoidable pace of death. Enormous native avoidable mortality and retreat from training in first language implies a continuous Australian native annihilation and Australian native ethnocide. 2. War criminal and sequential trespasser Australia is presently occupied with its Seventh Iraq War. Subtleties: Australias First Iraq War (WW1, Australian Flying Corps (AFC; RAAF forerunner), 1915); Australias Second Iraq War (WW2, RAN, Basra, in Anglo-Iraq War, 1941); Australias Third Iraq War (Sanctions against Iraq, RAN, 1990-2003, 1.7 million Iraqi passings from hardship); Australias Fourth Iraq War (Australian powers to Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991); Australias Fifth Iraq War (Gulf War, RAN, 1990-1991, 0.2 million Iraqis killed); Australias Sixth Iraq War (Invasion and Occupation of Iraq, 2003-2011, 1.5 million furious passings, 1.2 million individuals kicked the bucket from hardships due the forced war; Australias Pine Gap is vital to focusing on US ramble strikes, 2008-); Australias Seventh Iraq War (RAAF bombarding, Iraq, 2014-). As a UK flunky or US attendant Australia has differently attacked 70 nations (when contrasted with its partners the British 193, France 80, the US 70 and Apartheid Israel 12). 3. 80,000 preventable Australian passings every year. In the rundown of most extravagant nations, Australia is one of them yet 80,000people of Australia kicked the bucket preventable passings consistently (see Gideon Polya, Australian State Terrorism - Zero Australian Terrorism Deaths, 1 Million Preventable Australian Deaths 10 Million Muslims Killed By US Alliance Since 9-11, End: How about we not overlook another maltreatment of human rights that is happening over our nation consistently. That is the infringement of our youngsters' physical trustworthiness by hurt caused to them by physical discipline in both the home and in certain schools. A correct which is given to our youngsters under the Convention on the Rights of the Child which Australia has marked and endorsed and for this situation intentionally disregarded. There are currently 44 nations that have made it unlawful in household settings. Our nearest neighbor, New Zealand prohibited it in 2007 and it has not yet slid into turmoil. In the mean time in Australia, the purposeful curse of agony is as yet utilized by Christian Schools in both WA and Old, yet by a small division of those non-state schools. The fact of the matter being, that this bygone practice is as yet lawful. White Ribbon Australia, our Australian male-drove against abusive behavior at home association, distributed its first arrangement on the Corporal Punishment of Children, a year ago. It said to a limited extent: White Ribbon Australia is focused on forestalling savagery against women....corporal discipline is distinguished as both a type of brutality and as a variable that may impact a childs later utilization of viciousness in grown-up life. Thus, White Ribbon doesn't excuse the utilization of beating as a methods for discipline. At long last, Rosie Batty, our 2015 Australian of the year has as of late expressed that hitting youngsters isn't right yet then what does she think about family brutality? The estimation of liberal political organizations is excessively profoundly permeated in mainstream thinking to make such an endeavor destined to disappointment. To be sure, assaults on liberal majority rules system are exceptionally hazardous, for they are probably going to profit just the correct who are frequently dubious of the possibility of famous government. Or maybe the conventional wide left technique of seeki
The role of the new age manager
The job of the new age director Directors work in a unique situation and must envision and adjust to difficulties. With respect to the above proclamation, examine the job of the new-age administrator by taking a case of any Indian association. Various difficulties of an administrators:- Its impractical to put time in something that is not on your radar. An important radar upgrade is required. Arrangement of the difficulties for administrator is Systematically . When youre far enough alongside your present elective attempt to pick another great elective that fits the upgraded you and the necessities of the then present reality. Rehash a circle like the former. this assistance to administrator they dont invest a great deal of energy in one work. Over booked and botched assets: Venture groups regularly whine that they don't have exact or state-of-the-art data about their assets and what they are really going after. Many task groups have more interest for ventures than they have colleagues to execute the undertakings. In the event that asset distribution is an issue, at that point a tolerable mid-market or very good quality arrangement might be the main choices. 3 Supply Chain Management: In flexibly chain the board administrator confronted a ton of issue which incorporate strike of politic gatherings , just as With the expansion in re-appropriating and globalization, dealing with the progression of provisions and crude materials, just as completed items, would now be able to stretch out across a large number of miles, many time zones and various language boundaries. 4 Human Capital Management One of the other test of chief is human capital administration . Since a companys tasks would now be able to exist across different nations and geographic regions. At the point when cerebrum channel happen around then how chief deal with these sort of specialist. Model: in what manner can the requirements of laborers in China be addressed as adequately as the necessities of laborers in Los Angeles or Minnesota. Further more, what is the most ideal approach to address the issues of these representatives and furthermore best use their aptitudes and gifts to keep the business working easily. Making sense of these difficulties is a steady battle looked by numerous organizations, and one that won't probably leave sooner rather than later. one of the model which is happening in Canada , both because of, and fully expecting environmental change sway. Adjustment activities have been embraced at scales going from people and local gatherings to industry and governments. Quite a bit of this adjustment has been accomplished through casual activities or procedures because of explicit occasions or conditions, and where the ability to make a move existed. There are likewise a few instances of strategy activities that give an increasingly organized way to deal with adjustment, for example, the New Brunswick Coastal Areas Protection Policy and British Columbia Future Forests Ecosystem Initiative. On-screen character Model People . Northerners are all the more much of the time utilizing bug anti-agents, bug nets and window screens to manage the expanded multiplication of creepy crawlies. . Inhabitants of remote beach front networks are more ready for deficiencies (i.e., power, food, transportation) because of ongoing involvement in harsh climate conditions.â Industry Thermosyphons have been utilized in the development of a few significant foundation extends in the North to actuate counterfeit cooling of permafrost under warming conditions. .Rural makers buy crop protection to balance misfortunes brought about by nasty climate. Hydro Quã ©bec has adjusted its gauges of power requests dependent on new atmosphere situations. Governments The district of Sept-Iles has controlled new private development along the shoreline to forestall harms because of shoreline erosion.â Water meters have been introduced in the Southeast Kelowna Irrigation District and a few Canadian urban areas (for example Kelowna, BC; Sudbury, ON; and Moncton, NB) to decrease water utilization. Newfoundland is attempted a careful survey of crisis the executives practices and reaction instruments. This is the factor which happen Several adjustment activities address current dangers and consider the probable effects of future environmental change. These incorporate most major new framework improvement in northern Canada, for example, mine destinations, pipelines and huge structures, where versatile arrangements incorporate the utilization of Thermosyphons to instigate counterfeit cooling of permafrost under warming conditions. The job of the new-age supervisor by taking a case of any Indian association. ICA represents The establishment of PC bookkeeper. Mr. Ashok Tekriwal he is the branch administrator of the foundation. C:UsersAPicturesicalogo.jpg About ICA: ICA start with Account Training and finishes with a Guaranteed activity. The association was shaped by a gathering of experts with extensive work involvement with the field of records and tax collection. The excursion began in 1999 and following ten years the organization was spread up its wings to more than 300+centres with 3 zonal workplaces and 30+placement workplaces across India with Head office at Kolkata. The ICA family incorporates more than 3000+competent staff individuals and more than 2,00,000students. Address: Fundamental street Ranchi, Inverse large bazaar, Close over scaffold, Ranchi. Contact no :0651-2332103. Job of supervisor: * To have contact: One of the fundamental job of ICA director is to build up and keep up a contacts with numerous individuals both inside and outside the business. The people with whom he includes normal contacts inside the association incorporate his subordinates, individual supervisors, etc. Government authorities , staff , that incorporate promoting staff , arrangement staff and so on. * To have achieve Target: One of the essential job of ICA Managers is work under tension more often than not as they have focuses to accomplish. This is especially evident on account of admition of understudy ,Placement of the understudy just as great help for the understudy. * To go about as a Leader: One of the essential job of ICA chief is he generally stand every single individual before any difficulties or issue. He needs to set a guide to his subordinates. He should be genuine , legit and focused on his work. At exactly that point, he will have the option to control and inspire the subordinates under him. * To guarantee the correct utilization of assets: one of the fundamental job of ICA chief to guarantee the correct utilization of asset which is straightforwardly identified with the understudy just as for the organization, for example, men, machines, materials and cash are ideally used. * To determine the Conflict: One of the fundamental job of ICA chief to Whenever there are clashes between the workers over certain hierarchical issues, the administrator is relied upon to determine every single such clash and show up at a genial arrangement. * To deal with Situation: One of the fundamental job of ICA chief is additionally expected to deal with emergency that may emerge in the association, .for example, compensation not paid of laborer ,some issue between the specialist and so on. In such a circumstance the chief needs to act quickly and admirably and discover cure. Question. Approach any little size organization in your city, contact the HR supervisor and get the subtleties of the association structure with names. At that point chalk out the fundamental elements of the top administration, center administration and administrative administration with deference to that organization and talk about their jobs and duties. Answer New Image About us anand rathi. Anand Rathi is a main full assistance speculation bank established in 1994 contribution a wide scope of money related administrations and riches the executives answers for foundations, enterprises, high-total assets people and families. The firm has quickly extended its impression to more than 350 areas across India with global nearness in Hong Kong, Dubai London. Established by Mr. Anand Rathi and Mr. Pradeep Gupta, the gathering today utilizes more than 2,500 experts all through India and its universal workplaces. Anand Rathi has been named The Best Domestic Private Bank in India by Asia cash in their Fifth Annual Private Banking Poll 2009. The firm has developed a victor over every key fragment in Asia cash biggest study of high total assets people in India. Top level administration. * Board of Director. MR. Anand Rathi. Originator Chairman Preceding setting up his own organization, Mr. Rathi headed Indian Rayon Industries, as Senior President. In his 40 years of being in the corporate world, Mr. Rathi has held a few key situations on different administrative and expert sheets, including, President, Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), and Member, Central Council of Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAI). As President of BSE, Mr. Rathi assumed a key job in the extension plan of BOLT, the web based exchanging arrangement of the Exchange and setting up of the Trade Guarantee Fund. He was the moving power behind setting up of the Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. He is a gold medalist Chartered Accountant. Mr.Pradeep Gupta. Fellow benefactor Vice director. With more than twenty years involvement with the protections advertise. Prime supporter and key driver of the Retail and Institutional Equities business of the gathering. Mr. Amit Rathi. Overseeing Director A position holder Chartered Accountant and a MBA from Leonard N. Harsh School of Business, New York University joined the gathering in 1998.Calling him a money related master, the Times of India gathering, recorded Amit rathi in 2008 among the main 51 youthful Marwaris in India (younger than 40). Mr. V. Srikanth. Chief Mr. Srikanth relationship with the gathering of has been of simply over year now. Already Senior Vice President with HSBC Wealth Management. With more than 12 years of experience he has worked with associations like Citibank and Zã ¼rich AMC. A PGDBA (Finance Marketing) and a Diploma in Business Finance (ICFAI Hyderabad). Center level Management. Under the chief. There is thirteen local executive. Local chief is executive of all sell. Local chief is immediate answering to the Director. Territorial chief give all the input of all the branch. *Branch Manager. *Franchise. *C
Friday, August 21, 2020
Death and Dying a Muslims Perspective Essays
Passing and Dying a Muslims Perspective Essays Passing and Dying a Muslims Perspective Essay Passing and Dying a Muslims Perspective Essay Exposition Topic: As I Lay Dying Diary OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE Volume 91 March 1 998 Death and kicking the bucket a Muslim point of view Aziz Sheik MRCP MRCGP J R Soc Med 1998;91:138-140 The consideration of biting the dust patients and their family members is one of the most troublesome parts of a specialists work. Empowering a person to pass on with respect can likewise be profoundly fulfilling. England today is a cosmopolitan culture made up of individuals from various strict and social conventions. The consideration of patients with foundations not quite the same as ones own requires information and aptitudes. There are around 2 million Muslims in the UK1. Albeit most begin from he Indian subcontinent2 significant numbers have shown up as of late from Africa and to a lesser degree Central Europe. Islamic Law (Shariah) depends on the Quran and Hadith (the practices and adages of the Prophet Muhammad)3. The Shariah characterizes certain normal practices at the hour of death and these are for the most part clung to by Muslims in Britain. In this paper I offer some direction on thinking about Muslim patients in their last ailment. MUSLIM BELIEF REGARDING DEATH, ABORTION AND EUTHANASIA For a Muslim, passing imprints the progress starting with one reality then onto the next. Islam trains that life on earth is an assessment the life to come is the interminable habitation where one will harvest the product of ones undertakings on earth. Passing is along these lines not to be opposed or battled against, yet rather something to be acknowledged as a major aspect of the general heavenly plan4. Further, passing is certifiably not an untouchable subject in Muslim society and is an issue whereupon one is urged to reflect much of the time. In guiding of Muslims with respect to a terminal sickness, or family members after a deprivation, these focuses ought to be borne at the top of the priority list. Islam sees life as sacrosanct and a trust from God (Allah). End of pregnancy is along these lines commonly not passable inside the Islamic structures. In the event that the subject should be suggested this ought to be finished with outrageous affectability. To step outside the Islamic system and have a fetus removal may incite a lot of blame. Also, conscious willful extermination is prohibited6. Note, notwithstanding, that undue enduring has no spot in Islam and in the event that demise is hurried during the time spent giving sufficient absense of pain, at that point this is permitted. What is significant is that the essential purpose isn't to rush demise. THE FINAL ILLNESS Certain passing traditions are all around rehearsed by Muslims. Preferably Muslims would wish to bite the dust at home7. Making passing clinical and remote in a medical clinic setting isn't with regards to the Islamic custom. The withering individual will hope to be visited by companions and family members, who are urged to petition God for their government assistance in the life to come. This is when Muslims look for every others absolution for overabundances that may have been incidentally dedicated. Fifty individuals visiting in about a couple of days would not be excellent; so severe adherence to 2 guests for every bed will cause trouble for all concerned. Individuals from the close family will regularly remain by the bedside recounting from the Quran. Having a duplicate of the Quran on the ward, for the individuals who have not made sure to bring their own, is a consideration. The day by day petitions assume an essential job in the everyday existence of a Muslim, and supplication expect a considerably more prominent job in the midst of affliction and misery. Relatives will urge the perishing to proceed with their petitions as long as they can do as such. Prior to the supplication, bathing is performed; bed-bound patients will require help in this regard. Muslims supplicate towards Mecca, which is to the outh-east of Britain. Again for the bed-bound, situating the bed toward Mecca will rearrange matters. Having a compass and supplication timetable accessible would be exceptionally helpful; a petition timetable is effectively accessible from most nearby mosques. A significant number of the guests and family members will likewise need to play out their supplications and, shockingly, clinics only sometimes provide food for this need8. Passing, WASHING AND BURIAL When a Muslim kicks the bucket, the eyes and mouth ought to be shut and the appendages ought to be fixed. The body ought to in a perfect world face toward Mecca. It is a strict equirement that the dead be covered at the earliest opportunity and impressive family pain can be maintained a strategic distance from by quick creation of the passing declaration. The body will be washed and covered in basic unsewn bits of white material. A burial service supplication is held in the neighborhood mosque, and family and network individuals follow the memorial service parade to the cemetery where a last petition is said as 138 the expired is let go. Occasions happen in quick progression Department of Primary Health Care and General Practice, Imperial College School of Medicine, Norfolk Place, London W2 1 PG, UK Diary OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE Volume 91 March 1998 and regularly the dead will be covered inside 24 hours. The Muslim is constantly covered as opposed to cremated9. After death EXAMINATIONS AND ORGAN TRANSPLANTS When new issues emerge that are not unequivocally managed in the Shariah, Muslim legal advisers are required to consider the issue being referred to and utilizing the standards revered inside the Quran and Hadith offer a legitimate input (fatwa). A fatwa is a sentiment and along these lines not official; consequently one can anticipate a wide scope of perspectives on a given inquiry, and this is valid for after death assessments and organ transplantation. The lion's share sentiment is that after death assessments are not permitted. One explanation is that the assessment will unavoidably postpone the internment. Furthermore, Islamic conviction holds that the expired might be able to see torment. This depends on the announcement of the Prophet Muhammad that to break the bone of a dead individual resembles breaking the bone of a living person10. A little yet developing minority hold that after death assessments are permissible11. Where the tradition that must be adhered to requests posthumous assessments I. e. at the coroners demand Muslims must choose the option to consent. For this situation illuminating the coroners official that the perished is a Muslim may accelerate the procedure since numerous coroners know about Muslim sensitivities. In the event that for some other explanation an after death assessment is viewed as alluring, relatives must be told they have a free decision in the issue and their perspectives must be regarded. With respect to organ transplants supposition is progressively separated. For the reasons refered to above many contradict the giving of organs. Further, it is contended that since life is a trust one has no option to give any piece of ones body to another person. An expanding number of Muslims, be that as it may, are of the view that, in situations where it might spare life, organ gift is passable based on the Islamic precept that need permits the prohibited12. CASE HISTORIES I near to offering two instances of poor practice and one of good. Case I A wedded hereditary qualities understudy went to the antenatal bookingin center in her first pregnancy. A standard dating ultrasound examine uncovered that the baby had expanded nuchal thickness. Associating a determination with Downs disorder her expert alluded her to a tertiary place for additional examinations. Here she was caught up with sequential ultrasound examines which uncovered different intrinsic contortions that were viewed as inconsistent with life. She was over and again an under 1% possibility of endurance. This she reliably declined, expressing that premature birth was against her confidence. Ultrasound observing proceeded until 34 weeks when she unexpectedly started giving birth. The infant, stillborn, was named and covered and is oftentimes visited by relatives. Case 2 The guardians of Zahra (not her genuine name), a 12-year-old young lady with a dynamic neurodegenerative ailment, were welcomed o go to for a meeting to examine their girls guess. The expert answerable for Zahras care educated them that she had crumbled impressively in the course of recent months and that she was probably going to disintegrate further sooner rather than later. All through the conversation it was accentuated that Zahra had a productive existence, and that greatest exertion would be made to guara ntee that she was kept agony free. The meeting was dominatingly specialist driven, with the family being given little chance to talk about their expectations and fears. It finished with the unmistakable message that Zahras end was impending. She passed on in a matter of seconds subsequently. In spite of the best goals of the clinician concerned, his absence of familiarity with Muslim viewpoints regarding the matter of death and kicking the bucket prompted a broken conference. Despite the fact that the issues raised by the advisor are often of incredible worry to those of a common conviction structure, they are of lesser worry to Muslims. Demise isn't viewed as the end but instead as a section into the everlasting life. With respect to the looming or real passing of a youngster, it is standard to comfort the family by advising them that kids are ure and guiltless, and henceforth have Paradise guaranteed to them in the life to come. For a Muslim, there is no more noteworthy accomplishment. Case 3 A lady in her late 70s was admitted to medical clinic with pneumonia. It had been her third affirmation with a similar condition in the same number of months. Drained and feeble she had lost the will to p roceed and had quit eating and drinking. Following a couple of long stretches of escalated treatment with minimal indication of progress the advisor communed with relatives in regards to encourage the executives. A joint choice was made to suspend dynamic treatment and to let nature follow all the way through. She was kept OK with absense of pain and ordinary mouthwashes. The family were given open visiting acces
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Personal Goal Setting - How to Set SMART Goals
Personal Goal Setting - How to Set SMART Goals Life can be chaotic. Striving to work, to get recognition, to take on as many responsibilities as possible, but still keep things achievable.You are always bombarded by new requirements, new software that you have to use, you are introduced to constantly changing workflow strategies.Your team is complaining about the conditions, your leaders pressure you towards more multitasking and your customers are always holding you accountable.How do you bring order to the chaos?There is a strategy that can allow you to set up goals in a simple way. A strategy so simple and strong that can lead you towards success, just because it will force you to consider every possible factor that may influence your actions and your results.Read our SMART article to learn more.WHY SET GOALS?Goals are your natural way of thinking. Before you make a plan to achieve them, though, you call them your âdreamsâ.Researcher Edwin A. Locke has accumulated research to prove turning having general intentions into se tting conscious goals leads to higher achievements.In his paper, Toward a theory of task motivation and incentives, Locke sets out to prove that conscious ideas regulate a personâs actions:âStudies are cited demonstrating that: (1) hard goals produce a higher level of performance (output) than easy goals; (2) specific hard goals produce a higher level of output than a goal of âdo your bestâ; and (3) behavioral intentions regulate choice behavior⦠Evidence is presented supporting the view that monetary incentives, time limits, and knowledge of results do not affect performance level independently of the individuals goals and intentions⦠[A]ny adequate theory of task motivation must take account of the individuals conscious goals and intentions. The applied implications of the theory are discussed.âThe main principles of the goal setting theory are:Goals must be clear â" simple and easy to understand.Goals must have an objective level of difficulty. If your goals do not challenge you or take you out of your comfort zone, you are not leading yourself towards progress.You must be able to follow with dedication. A goal needs to bring you closer to something you feel passionate about.Progress transparency. A goal setter must have information at all times how close they are towards achieving their goal.Complexity and effort. The effort you put in must be proportionate to the complexity of the task. The goal-setter must have the full information and resources to work on the most complex tasks.WHAT ARE SMART GOALS?SMART is a mnemonic acronym, that stipulates a description of the goals, which, according to the theory, will give you the highest chance for success.Even though the notion of SMART goals first occurs in the Management Review by George Dora, the term is most often associated with The Practice of Management by Peter Drucker.The acronym stands for:The goals are simple, but significant.You need to setup quantitative criteria.Attainable. You must h ave the resources.Your goal must be in line with your current situation.Time-bound. You need to set up a deadline to achieve your results.There are, however, different readings of the acronym SMART. Some organization like to play with the word and substitute words according to their own values â" they go for goal descriptions that are more in line with their workflow or their employee-employer relationships. THE PROS AND CONS OF GOING SMART?The number 1 rule of the goal setting theory is clarity. This is where the SMART acronym comes in handy.It is the clear description of the goals that binds the goal-setter to their decision. The mere description is already a plan â" how your success will look like, what is enough to call it success, it sets you up on a path that you CAN follow, it tells you when you should do your assessment.If you have followed through, your SMART goals will give you a great feeling of achievement. If you fall short, though, now you have a clear definition of failure.Binding success to a specific, achievable, measurable, time-bound criteria makes failure that much easier to identify. It makes your notion of success and defeat black and white â" something that doesnât happen when you dream, instead of plan. When your goals are vague and ambiguous.There is an ugly face of the SMART goals.Forbes have published an article that goes through the disadvantages of setting up SMART goals. It goes through the definition of SMART goals and how popular they are among organizations that are struggling to define goals and success for their employees.However, people seem to rationalize successes as normal and internalize failures as personal. Employees rarely consider objectively the toxicity of falling just short of a SMART goal.It looks at the responses to the âDo you set SMART Goals or HARD Goals?â quiz. (where HARD stands for Heartfelt Animated Required Difficult). The survey discovers that âonly 29% of people who pursue achievable and rea listic goals love their job. But a far greater 40% of difficult and audacious goal setters love their job.âAnother study, called Are SMART Goals Dumb discovers that only 13% of the more than four thousand respondents strongly agree the SMART goals for the year would maximize their full potential.In other words, the greatest disadvantages of the SMART goals are that setting up specific, achievable and realistic goals could A) really lower your confidence in case of falling short but B) may not make feel accomplished even if you succeeded.HOW TO SET SMART GOALS?The first rule of setting SMART goals is:Follow the template.You will find multiple variations of the acronym. Follow the original. If you go too far away from the source you are defeating the purpose of going SMART.The second rule of setting SMART goals is:Follow your heart.You need to be passionate about the goals you are setting. Weather it is about your work or your personal life, planning is about turning dreams into pro jects. Write down goals that will really take you closer to your dream place in life.The third rule of setting SMART goals is:Donât go crazy.Do not overdo it. Not just every single goal has to be achievable, but the bunch has to be doable as well. Make sure the edge of your list doesnât hit the floor. Concentrate on what is truly important.The fourth rule of setting SMART goals is:Go out of your comfort zone. Just because your goals are SMART, doesnât mean they have to be easy. On the contrary, setting the bar too low will bring you nowhere. Prepare for a challenge. You need to learn something new, overstep your boundaries. Forget about your fears.The fifth rule of setting SMART goals is:Write it all down and pin it on your fridge.Your goals are not just wishful thinking. Write down a list of your SMARTs, print it on a piece of paper, decorate it with glitter and a foil star, wax-stamp it, give it a ribbon and nail it to your fridge. Whatever makes it official for you. Okay ma ybe the kitchen fridge in the office is not the best place, but make sure you put your list somewhere you will see it every day.Now. Letâs work on the SMARTS:SpecificTo tackle the âbeing specificâ part, think long and hard on what defines definite success for you. Donât go crazy. It would have to be the lowest step that would be enough for you to call it success. Now describe what it is. Do not be vague.For example, if your goal is to get in shape, donât go âI want to look betterâ. Instead try âI want to lose fat and gain muscle mass.â Or âI want to sign up for the gym for regular workoutsâ.If you want to certify your graphic design skills go with something like âI want to sign up with a school, attend lessons and pass the X exam by the end of the yearâ.When crafting your goal, consider the âWâ questions:What am I trying to do and what is the most specific way to describe it?Why am I doing this? What is my original intention?Who will be helping me? Do I need to contact or involve someone else?Where will this take me? Will I like where I am going?Which resources will I need to bring this to fruition?Your goal description might turn out to be quite long. Do not be afraid to revise. Your end result must be a very concise, easy to remember mantra, without buzzwords and empty details. Just the facts. What, why, who, where, how.MeasurableYour goals are measurable not just in order to be able to tell if you achieved them or not. You will also be able to set milestones that you can spread out to particular time increments and then you can measure and commemorate when you meet your sub-goals. If you donât, that would be an occasion to and revise your planning.Remember, consistency is key. Milestones are there for you to reach them. Donât keep plan B in the back of your head. There is no âBâ in SMART.Keep a discipline. Track your planning and your progress.How to setup measurable goals? Start with answering the following questions:H ow much? How much money do I need to save in order to achieve my goal to be more financially responsible? How much is too much? How much is too little?How many? How many times do I have to go to the gym before so I consider my goal to be more consistent with my training to be achieved? How many kilograms do I need to lose? How many centimeters do I want off my waist?How will I know when it is accomplished? Can I put a measure on something that is difficult to measure? If I want to make more friends, I can count how many times I go out a week. If I want to be more kind, I can count my good deeds for the day. If I want to get more skilled, I can count the pieces of material I read in my subject.AchievableYou have to be careful not to set yourself up for failure. Too many people setup unachievable goals for themselves and make it impossible for themselves to follow their goals. And then they blame themselves for their failure.While difficult goals may be helpful in the sense they will force you to go forward for a while, you will almost certainly burn out of energy and enthusiasm to continue at some point in the future.Try to be realistic. Overly optimistic you is not your friend. Keep the balance. Your goals must be challenging but still achievable. Assess your options. Think about factors that might affect your timeline or your condition. Come up with a plan B. (Although you shouldnât use it as a crutch unnecessarily.)Before you set your mind on a goal, check if you can actually see yourself being successful at it.An achievable goal will usually answer questions such as:How can I accomplish this goal? Come up with up to 10 consecutive steps. Each of those must be achievable, measurable and with their own deadline. If you see you will be stretching yourself thin over it, see if you can write down step #8 as your end goal. For example. If you want to lose 6 kilos for 6 months, but 1 kilo per month seems too much for you, you can settle for 5.How realistic is th e goal, when you factor in other constraints, such as money, time, resources, or other people? Can you get help and is it worth it?RelevantNot all goals will be relevant to where you are in life right now. If you have a career in IT, for example, it will not be very SMART to head for LA to become an actress. It will be just⦠SMAT.Yes, we are trying to turn dreams into reality, but that is not really consistent with our goal here. We are mostly trying to improve your life, not transform it.If your SMART goal is in line to your general plan for your life, achieving it may not get you anywhere. You may lose more than you gain. If you want to make sure that your goal will be of value to you, you need to consider if is worth your time. Make a list of the benefits and the possible losses that your new you may experience as a result of achieving the goal.A good way to check is if your new goal is consistent with your other goals in life, from your SMART list or your goals from the previo us years.Ask yourself the following questions:Does this seem worth it to do this?Is it an achievement that I would have wanted for myself 5 years ago?Is this the right time now to pursue this?Does this match our other goals?Is this goal in line with my career?Am I the right person for this challenge?Is it the right time, considering the economy, and my financial situation?Is it consistent with my career and education to do this?Is it consistent with where I want to be with my family?Is it possible this will affect my personal life or mental health in a negative way?Time boundA SMART goal will be a goal with a timer duct-taped to it. For example, âI want to spend more time at the gymâ should become âI want to spend more time at the gym and attend every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for at least 6 months nowâ. Or âI want to save more moneyâ becomes âI want to save more money, therefore each month this year I will save up 500 USD until I have 6000 USD at the end of the yea r.â.The person who set that goal with the deadline will be much more likely to succeed since they have a particular day when they can reevaluate and judge how well they did on their plan.When constructing your bunch of SMART goals, itâs a great idea to write down each of these criteria on a timeline, so you have in mind how they interact with each other. For example, in the above examples, you might need to think about how your gym fee will affect your money saving capabilities.In order to write a time-bound goal consider the following questions:When can I start? Can I start today? When do I want to be done?What timeline is achievable?Am I going to be moving toward my goal in a steady pace?Will my goals interfere with each other?Will achieving any of other goals distract me or stop me from achieving another?Is it possible at some point I run out of resources or energy? Should I plan a break?WHAT ARE SOME SMART EXAMPLES?Now that we have laid out the basis, letâs consider severa l examples of transforming wishful thinking into SMART goals:The money problem.Letâs take as the first example the money problem. Your SMART goal will be to start saving more. To create order out of the chaos, you need to follow the SMART principle.How to make your goal specific?You need to make âmore moneyâ into a specific number. Perhaps originally you thought a good number is to save up is 60 000 USD.How to make your goal measurable?Well, the goal is already pretty measurable, but letâs break that into little increments. What is the amount that you can save up a month? Letâs say you can save up 500 USD a month which is 6000 USD a year.How to make your goal achievable?Saving up 6000 USD a year means you will be done in 10 years. But other things may come in the way. The economy could go down, you could lose your job. Letâs give you another year.How to make your goal relevant?How your goal relevant to your life? At some point during the next 10 years you will want to g et married and have a kid. That will definitely affect your saving, and you donât want to sacrifice one goal because of another. Letâs give you a two years break where you will not be doing any contributions to your saving account.How to make your goal time-bound?There you have it. 500 USD a month, with a one-year insurance and a two-year break for your family, you get a 13-year plan to save up 60 000 USD.The work problem.Letâs say your wishful thinking at the moment is that you want to become a well-known expert in your field.How to make your goal specific?How can you become well-known? What do you identify as âyour fieldâ?Letâs make that âI want to try to become a well-known expert in the field of graphic design by taking on at least one big customerâHow to make your goal measurable?The greatest problem with that definition is the words âbig customerâ. Letâs make that âI want to try to become a well-known expert in the field of graphic design by taking on at least one of the top ten local restaurants for a customerâ.How to make your goal achievable?The best way to make that goal achievable is by coming up with milestones. Letâs do that âI want to try to become a well-known expert in the field of graphic design by taking on at least one of the top ten local restaurants for a customer. To do that I will come up with at least 3 new concept logo designs for each of those restaurants and presenting them to the managersâHow to make your goal relevant?Ask yourself is your goal in line with your life, career, family, education. Is it the best time to do this now? Your answer must look something like this âRight now is the moment to establish myself as a small business graphic designer expert. That is completely in line with my education and career path.I have only started recently, but this project is not too ambitious I have already worked with some restaurants in the business and have my projects to show for it. I think this is a good next step. I still do not have a family and I can use the coming year to dedicate myself to the work and advance in my career.âHow to make your goal time-bound?This is a good example: âI will start by creating 3 concept for 1 restaurant every month and try and arrange a meeting to present to their manager. 1 month is realistic to do the meeting, because I already have some contacts. That will leave me a 2 months reserve in case of unforeseen circumstances.âCONCLUSIONYou can be SMART in your career and in your personal life. Setting up goals for yourself is your best bet for success.Turn your dreams into projects.Go easy on yourself and stay consistent. Go out of your comfort zone, but stay on this planet.Donât get discouraged if you donât succeed. Take the failure as a lesson and plan better next time. Remember to keep your goals within the realm of the possible. Keep it cool and keep on track.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
The Meaning Of Value And Company Values Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
A value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is really meaningful to the company. Every company has one or more values, whether they are consciously aware of it or not. Another way of saying it is that a value is a statement of the companys intention and commitment to achieve a high level of performance on a specific Qualitative factor. Value is the market worth of financial assets or liability. In management, business value is an informal term that includes all forms of value that determine the health and well-being of the firm in the long-run. Business value expands concept of value of the firm beyond economic value (also known as economic profit, Economic value added, and Shareholder value) to include other forms of value such as employee value, customer value, supplier value, channel partner value, alliance partner value, managerial value, and societal value. Many of these forms of value are not directly measured in monetary terms. Valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owners interest in a business. Valuation is used by financial market participants to determine the price they are willing to pay or receive to consummate a sale of a business. In addition to estimating the selling price of a business, the same valuation tools are often used by business appra isers to resolve disputes related to estate and gift taxation, divorce litigation, allocate business purchase price among business assets, establish a formula for estimating the value of partners ownership interest for buy-sell agreements, and many other business and legal purposes. In finance, Valuations can be done on assets (for example, investments in marketable securities such as stocks, options, business enterprises, or intangible assets such as patents and trademarks) or on liabilities (e.g., Bonds issued by a company). Value is about the following basic questions; What is my company worth? What are the ratios used by analysts to determine whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued? How valid is the discounted present value approach? How can one value a company as a going concern, and how does this change in the context of a potential acquisition, or when the company faces financial stress? Common terms for the value of an asset or liability are fair market value, fair value, and intrinsic value. Fair Market value is an estimate of the market value of a property, based on what a knowledgeable, willing, and unpressured buyer would probably pay to a knowledgeable, willing, and unpressured seller in the real estate market. An estimate of fair market value may be founded either on precedent or extrapolation. Fair value is a rational and unbiased estimate of the potential market price of a good, service, or asset, taking into account such objective factors as: acquisition/production/distribution costs, replacement costs, or costs of close substitutes, actual utility at a given level of development of social productive capability and supply vs. demand and subjective factors such as, risk characteristics, cost of and return on capital and individually perceived utility. Intrinsic value refers to the value of a security which is intrinsic to or contained in the security itself. It is also frequently called fundamental value. It is ordinarily calculat ed by summing the future income generated by the asset, and discounting it to the present value. Valuation Methods: Income-based. These forward-looking methods are general enough to be applied to most types of businesses. Asset Valuation: This method is more appropriate for established companies with a large amount of tangible assets (such as property companies). The valuation is made by calculating the net realisable value of all assets. Discounted cash flow: This method involves forecasting earnings into the future (usually by three to 10 years) to determine the present value. Discounted cash flow is a good valuation method for fast-growth businesses; it can also be used if youre valuing your business for the purpose of bringing in a partner. Capitalization of cash flow: For this method, which is best used for mature companies with stable earnings, the value of one normalized earning period is used to predict future value. Market-based. If youre valuing your company in order to sell it, youll want to look at how other businesses in your industry are valued. Capital market (or Guidance Company): This method looks at multiples of publicly traded stocks, and works best for any companies that are large enough to be comparable to publicly traded firms. For example, this method would be more appropriate to use for a chain of retail stores than a single-unit retail company. Transaction: Better for smaller companies, this method examines what other businesses in your industry y have sold for. Cost- or asset-based. This valuation method adds up all the individual components of your business to find its value. Manufacturing or asset-holding companies, which have few intangibles, can get the most from this method. Using Comparables The most common way to value a company is to use its earnings. Earnings, also called net income or net profit, is the money that is left over after a company pays all of its bills. To allow for apples-to-apples comparisons, most people who look at earnings measure them according to earnings per share (EPS). One arrives at the earnings per share by simply dividing the dollar amount of the earnings a company reports by the number of shares it currently has outstanding. Thus, if XYZ Corp. has one million shares outstanding and has earned one million dollars in the past 12 months, it has a trailing EPS of $1.00. The reason it is called a trailing EPS is because it looks at the last four quarters reported the quarters that trail behind the most recent quarter reported. $1,000,000 = $1.00 in earnings per share (EPS) 1,000,000 shares The earnings per share alone means absolutely nothing, though. To look at a companys earnings relative to its price, most investors employ t he price/earnings (P/E) ratio. The P/E ratio takes the stock price and divides it by the last four quarters worth of earnings. The Price-to-Sales Ratio: Every time a company sells a customer something, it is generating revenues. Revenues are the sales generated by a company for peddling goods or services. Whether or not a company has made money in the last year, there are always revenues. Even companies that may be temporarily losing money, have earnings depressed due to short-term circumstances (like product development or higher taxes), or are relatively new in a high-growth industry are often valued off of their revenues and not their earnings. Revenue-based valuations are achieved using the price/sales ratio, often simply abbreviated PSR. The price/sales ratio takes the current market capitalization of a company and divides it by the last 12 months trailing revenues. The market capitalization is the current market value of a company, arrived at by multiplying the current s hare price times the shares outstanding. This is the current price at which the market is valuing the company. For instance, if our example company XYZ Corp. has ten million shares outstanding, priced at $10 a share, then the market capitalization is $100 million. Some investors are even more conservative and add the current long-term debt of the company to the total current market value of its stock to get the market capitalization. The logic here is that if you were to acquire the company, you would acquire its debt as well, effectively paying that much more. This avoids comparing PSRs between two companies where one has taken out enormous debt that it has used to boast sales and one that has lower sales but has not added any nasty debt either. Market Capitalization = (Shares Outstanding * Current Share Price) + Current Long-term Debt The next step in calculating the PSR is to add up the revenues from the last four quarters and divide this number into the market capitalization. Say XYZ Corp. had $200 million in sales over the last four quarters and currently has no long-term debt. The PSR would be: ((10,000,000 shares * $10/share) + $0 debt PSR = = 0.5 $200 million revenues The PSR is a measurement that companies often consider when making an acquisition. If you have ever heard of a deal being done based on a certain multiple of sales, you have seen the PSR in use. As this is a perfectly legitimate way for a company to value an acquisition, many simply expropriate it for the stock market and use it to value a company as an ongoing concern. Free Cash Flows Methods Despite the fact that most individual investors are completely ignorant of cash flow, it is probably the most common measurement for valuing public and private companies used by investment bankers. Cash flow is literally the cash that flows through a company during the course of a quarter or the year after taking out all fixed expenses. Cash flow is normally defined as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA). Why look at earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization? Interest income and expense, as well as taxes, are all tossed aside because cash flow is designed to focus on the operating business and not secondary costs or profits. Taxes especially depend on the vagaries of the laws in a given year and actually can cause dramatic fluctuations in earnings power. For instance, Cyberoptics enjoyed a 15% tax rate in 1996, but in 1997 that rate more than doubled. This situation overstates CyberOptics current earnings and understates i ts forward earnings, masking the companys real operating situation. Thus, a canny analyst would use the growth rate of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) instead of net income in order to evaluate the companys growth. EBIT is also adjusted for any one-time charges or benefits. As for depreciation and amortization, these are called non-cash charges, as the company is not actually spending any money on them. Rather, depreciation is an accounting convention for tax purposes that allows companies to get a break on capital expenditures as plant and equipment ages and becomes less useful. Amortization normally comes in when a company acquires another company at a premium to its shareholders equity a number that it account for on its balance sheet as goodwill and is forced to amortize over a set period of time, according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). When looking at a companys operating cash flow, it makes sense to toss aside accounting conventions that mig ht mask cash strength. In a private or public market acquisition, the price-to-cash flow multiple is normally in the 6.0 to 7.0 range. When this multiple reaches the 8.0 to 9.0 range, the acquisition is normally considered to be expensive. Some counsel selling companies when their cash flow multiple extends beyond 10.0. In a leveraged buyout (LBO), the buyer normally tries not to pay more than 5.0 times cash flow because so much of the acquisition is funded by debt. A LBO also looks to pay back all the cash used for the buyout within six years, have an EBITDA of 2.0 or more times the interest payments, and have total debt of only 4.5 to 5.0 times the EBITDA. IBMs Income Statement Annual Income Statement (Values in Millions) 12/2002 12/2001 Sales 81,186.0 85,866.0 Cost of Sales 46,523.0 49,264.0 Gross Operating Profit 34,663.0 36,602.0 Selling, General Admin. Expense 23,488.0 22,487.0 Other Taxes 0.0 0.0 EBITDA 11,175.0 14,115.0 Depreciation Amortization 4,379.0 4,820.0 EBIT 6,796.0 9,295.0 Other Income, Net 873.0 1,896.0 Total Income Avail for Interest Exp. 7,669.0 11,191.0 Interest Expense 145.0 238.0 Pre-tax Income 7,524.0 10,953.0 Income Taxes 2,190.0 3,230.0 Total Net Income 3,579.0 7,723.0 Option-Based Methods Executives continue to grapple with issues of risk and uncertainty in evaluating investments and acquisitions. Despite the use of net present value (NPV) and other valuation techniques, executives are often forced to rely on instinct when finalizing risky investment decisions. Given the shortcomings of NPV, real options analysis has been suggested as an alternative approach, one that considers the risks associated with an investment while recognizing the ability of corporations to defer an investment until a later period or to make a partial investment instead. In short, investment decisions are often made in a way that leaves some options open.Ãâà The simple NPV rule does not give the correct conclusion if uncertainty can be managed. In acquisitions and other business decisions, flexibility is essential more so the more volatile the environment and the value of flexibility can be taken into account explicitly, by using the real-options approach. Financial options are ext ensively used for risk management in banks and firms. Real or embedded options are analogs of these financial options and can be used for evaluating investment decisions made under significant uncertainty. Real options can be identified in the form of opportunity to invest in a currently available innovative project with an additional consideration of the strategic value associated with the possibility of future and follow-up investments due to emergence of another related innovation in future, or the possibility of abandoning the project. The option is worth something because the future value of the asset is uncertain. Uncertainty increases the value of the option, because if the uncertainty is interpreted as the variance, there are possibilities to higher profits. The loss on the option is equal to the cost of acquiring it. If the project turns out to be non-profitable, you always have the choice of non-exercising. More and more, the real options approach is finding its place i n corporate valuation.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
With an acceptance rate of 54% in 2016, SUNY ESF has largely accessible admissions. Successful applicants will generally have B-averages and standardized test scores within or above the ranges posted below. To apply, those interested will need to submit an application, personal statement, official high school transcripts, and scores from either the SAT or the ACT. If you have any questions or concerns about applying, be sure to contact the admissions office at SUNY ESF. Admissions Data (2016): SUNY College of Environmental Science Acceptance Rate: 54%Test Scores -- 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 520 / 630SAT Math: 550 / 630SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 23à / 27ACT English: 22à / 28ACT Math: 23à / 27What these ACT numbers mean SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Description: The State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry is a specialized environmental management and sustainability college with its main campus located in Syracuse, New York, and several satellite campuses across central New York and the Adirondack Mountains area. The 17-acre main campus sits on Syracuseââ¬â¢s University Hill overlooking downtown Syracuse and Onondaga Lake. ESF has a 15 to 1 student faculty ratio and offers 22 undergraduate and 30 graduate degrees in the sciences, engineering and forestry. Within the undergraduate program, the most popular areas of study are environmental biology, conservation biology and landscape architecture. The most common graduate programs include forest management and operation and environmental physiology. Students are actively involved on campus, participating in nearly 25 student clubs and organizations. The ESF Mighty Oaks compete in cross-country, golf, soccer and basketball in the United States Collegiate Athl etic Association and have a long tradition in intercollegiate woodsman competitions. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 2,186à (1,751 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 54% Male / 46% Female98% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $8,103à (in-state); $17,953 (out-of-state)Books: $1,200 (why so much?)Room and Board: $16,110Other Expenses: $1,050Total Cost: $26,463à (in-state); $36,313 (out-of-state) SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Financial Aid (2015à - 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 89%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 82%Loans: 57%Average Amount of AidGrants: $7,104Loans: $6,922 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:à Conservation Biology, Environmental Biology, Environmental Science, Landscape Architecture, Wildlife Science. Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 85%Transfer Out Rate: 20%4-Year Graduation Rate: 60%6-Year Graduation Rate: 74% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:à Golf, Basketball, Cross Country, Track and Field, SoccerWomens Sports:à Soccer, Track and Field, Cross Country Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics Explore Other SUNY Campuses: Albanyà |à Alfred Stateà |à Binghamtonà |à Brockportà |à Buffaloà |à Buffalo Stateà |à Cobleskillà |à Cortlandà |à Env. Science/Forestryà |à Farmingdaleà |à FITà |à Fredoniaà |à Geneseoà |à Maritimeà |à Morrisvilleà |à New Paltzà |à Old Westburyà |à Oneontaà |à Oswegoà |à Plattsburghà |à Polytechnicà |à Potsdamà |à Purchaseà |à Stony Brook If You Like SUNY CESF, You May Also Like These Schools: Cornell University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSyracuse University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Vermont: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity at Albany: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphIthaca College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphJuniata College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphClarkson University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphDrexel University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBinghamton University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph
Monday, May 18, 2020
Laptops in the Classroom Neither Educational Heroes nor...
Computer access is an absolutely essential part of the education process. The Internet is a gold mine for information, collaboration, and publication. The spread of productivity software such as word processors and Power Point revolutionized the way students do homework. Computers are also addictive and distracting social hubs. The question of whether students should have access to laptops inside the classroom is a puzzling one, with research strongly supporting both the pros and cons. Ultimately, the way that laptops are used in the classroom and not the presence of laptops defines their value. Studies on student laptop usage cover a wide range of classroom variables in an attempt to quantify benefits and/or negative outcomes. Studiesâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Wurst, Smarkola, Gaffney (2008) found ââ¬Å"no significant differences in all constructivist activitiesâ⬠¦ by the introduction of the laptop computer.â⬠In fact, ââ¬Å"Ironically, the introduction of laptops, wh en it did make a difference, reduced the amount of constructivism in the classroom.â⬠In order for laptops to be best utilized, many teachers need to change their educational philosophies and strategies. Not only is the value of laptop use limited by educational tactics, but laptop use in the classroom can have a negative impact, particularly in lecture-centric classes. Fried (2008) did a study of laptop use in a large lecture course and found that ââ¬Å"results showed that students who used laptops in class spent considerable time multitasking and that the laptop use posed a significant distraction to both users and fellow students.â⬠Not surprisingly, laptop use ââ¬Å"negatively related to several measures of student learning, including self-reported understanding of course material and overall course performance.â⬠In a study of business honors students, ââ¬Å"Seventy-eight percent of the students noted that the laptops were a distraction in class. In general s tudents found the temptation of Internet activities too great to control their behavior in class. Students got over-involved in Internet activities and were inattentive toShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 PagesSelf-Assessment Library How Charismatic Am I? 382 Self-Assessment Library Am I an Ethical Leader? 386 An Ethical Choice Do Leaders Have a Responsibility to Protect Followers? 388 Myth or Science? ââ¬Å"Power Helps Leaders Perform Betterâ⬠392 Point/Counterpoint Heroes Are Made, Not Born 398 Questions for Review 399 Experiential Exercise What Is a Leader? 399 Ethical Dilemma Undercover Leaders 399 Case Incident 1 Leadership Mettle Forged in Battle 400 Case Incident 2 Leadership Factories 400 13 Power andRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words à |à 1186 PagesThey are creating next generation, fuel efficient vehicles, developing sustainable sources of energy, and exploring the farthest reaches of outer space. The impact of project management is most profound in the electronics industry, where the new folk heroes are young professionals whose Herculean efforts lead to the constant flow of new hardware and software products. Project management is not limited to the private sector. Project management is also a vehicle for doing good deeds and solving social
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Immigration to the United States - 8027 Words
The Immigration Debate US immigration laws in the last 25 years â⬠¢ 1980 - Refugee Act increased overall refugee quotas to 270,000 â⬠¢ 1986 - Immigration Reform and Control Act granted lawful permanent residency to over 2.7 million undocumented immigrants â⬠¢ 1990 - Immigration Act established categories of employment and placed cap of number of non-immigrant workers â⬠¢ 1996 - Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act - imposed strict penalties against illegal immigration and expanded definition of deportable offenses â⬠¢ 2001-Green Card Through the Legal Immigration Family Equity (LIFE) Act â⬠¢ 2006 The Secure Fence Act authorizes the construction of 1,127 kilometers of double-layered fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border. â⬠¢ 2012â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦2001 Legal Immigration Family Equity (LIFE) Act â⬠¢ Enabled certain individuals who are present in the United States who would not normally qualify to apply for adjustment of status in the United States to obtain a green card (permanent residence) regardless of: ââ¬â The manner they entered the United States ââ¬â Working in the United States without authorization ââ¬â Failing to continuously maintain lawful status since entry By the end of 2009: â⬠¢ of the nearly 2.7 million individuals who became legal permanent residents under the LIFE Act, barely 41% had gone on to exercise the option to naturalize. In other words, when offered the chance to become citizens, the overwhelming majority of the undocumented have settled for less. Why would this be? â⬠¢ Ambivalence or indifference toward citizenship among illegals. â⬠¢ Americans find it difficult, perhaps even offensive, to believe that immigrants might cling to the notion of eventually returning home or spurn the opportunity to become American. â⬠¢ The primary goal of most undocumented immigrants continues to be what originally drew them here: supporting their families, whether back home or in the United States Resistance ââ¬Å"In the past 50 years, polling data have charted a deepening opposition to immigration, linked in part, it appears, to economic concerns.â⬠â⬠¢ National Academy of Science study: Smith, James P. Barry Emondston, eds., ââ¬Å"The New Americans: Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigrationâ⬠(1997) BiggestShow MoreRelatedImmigration And The United States986 Words à |à 4 PagesImmigration in the United States continues to increase rapidly year by year. According to an analysis of monthly Census Bureau data by the Center for Immigration Studies, the immigration population in the United States, both legal and illegal, hit a record of 42.1 million in the second quarter of this year, an increase of 1.7 million since the same quarter of 2014 ( Clearly, Immigrants make up a large part of the population in the United States, and for most immigrants, migrating to theRead MoreImmigration Of The United States1399 Words à |à 6 Pages Michelle Faed English 126 Immigration in the United States The United States of America, being a country established by immigrants, is known all over the world as the land of great opportunities. People from all walks of life travelled across the globe, taking a chance to find a better life for them and their family. Over the years, the population of immigrants has grown immensely, resulting in the currently controversial issue of illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants are the people whoRead MoreImmigration And The United States965 Words à |à 4 Pages Immigration is a highly controversial and big problem in the United States today. ââ¬Å"While some characterize our immigration crisis as solely an issue of the 11 to 12 million unauthorized immigrants living in this country, our problems extend beyond the number of undocumented people to a broader range of issues. The lack of a comprehensive federal solution has created a slew of lopsided, enforcement-only initiatives that have cost the country billions of dollars while failing to end un authorizedRead MoreImmigration On The United States1302 Words à |à 6 PagesImmigration Rights in the U.S. Immigration has occurred in the U.S. for for many years. Some say itââ¬â¢s the foundation of our country. America is the country where people leave their own country to live. People would leave due to mistreatment, hunger issues or job opportunities. America is known for starting over or accomplishing dreams, so immigrants travel over to follow those dreams. People emigrate from one country to another for a variety of complex reasons. Some are forced to move, due to conflictRead MoreThe Immigration Of The United States1711 Words à |à 7 PagesThe vast majority of people living in the United States are descendants of immigrants, and yet majority of them are against them. It is quickly forgotten that America was built on immigrants that wanted a new life. A life free from harsh government, and the freedom from forced religion. The original settlers were immigrants that stole this land; immigrants continued to come for years. It is not a newly constructed concept that immigrants have always been a problem, ask any Native American. One usedRead MoreImmigration Of The United States1064 Words à |à 5 Pages Camarota (2007, p.1), director of the Immigration Studies Center, reports there are 1.6 million documented and undocumented migrants take up residence in the United States every year. Camarota goes on to say that the immigrants occupy one-eighth of the total population who settled in the U.S. The flood of aliens, to a significant degree, hinders the development of the United States. Therefore, the issues which relate to immigration must not be neglected, and the government should keep the numberRead MoreImmigration And The United States Essay1377 Words à |à 6 Pages Immigration has been a large conversation topic for such a long time in our country. We have worked on policies for immigration, and have made changes to them throughout the duration of our countryââ¬â¢s existence. This topic is always worth mentioning and important, but has become a bigger topic once again due to presidential elections and the conversations being had about immigration from said elections. It is not necessarily easily seen if the concern with immigration is who is here legally or limitingRead MoreImmigration Of The United States1565 Words à |à 7 PagesA native of Mexico, Gonzalez came to the United States using a visa, to visit family members and in 1994, police convicted Gonzalez of the abduction and rape of a Waukegan, Illinois woman. During his conviction his attorney, Vanessa Potkin, addressed that at twenty years old, Gonzalez spoke very little English, had no criminal record, and yet the police wanted to pin the crime on him. Twenty years later, DNA from the crime cleared him of both charges, and Gonzalez is now threatened with deportationRead MoreImmigration : The United States1087 Words à |à 5 PagesThe United States is a popular and powerful which many people admire. It is very true that the country prospect and is more enrich. O pening the border might improve the economy or can impact the job market for American citizens. It is the jobs of American citizens to be given more to this illegal immigrant. I believe the U.S. borders should remain closed. While it is clear that opening the borders can have benefits, I believe it is more important to keep jobs available for Americans. In my opinionRead MoreThe Immigration Of The United States1632 Words à |à 7 PagesFrench and European to settle in the New World. Since the colonial era, America has seen a wave of immigrants migrate in search of freedom and equality. Is this the same immigration today? Nearly 11.6 million immigrants from Mexico reside in the U.S. Today Immigration has a significant impact on many aspects of life in the United States, from the workforce and the classroom to communities across the country. Not all immigrants come to America legally whether as naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Black Canadians And Civil Rights - 2155 Words
Black civil rights in Canada have changed immensely over the last century, giving black Canadians a sense of identity and equal opportunity within Canadian communities. This document provides a detailed overview of the struggles, oppression, and changes that individuals went through, as well as the changes they enacted into the Canadian system to improve the living standards of black Canadians. The purpose of those like (insert peopleââ¬â¢s names) and their causes are explained in detail; but also gives a background on each personââ¬â¢s life and the struggles that they themselves dealt with when they first moved to Canada. Some groups or movements are also touched on in detail, and how they had an impact on the way civil rights changed both socially and politically as they were eye-opening experiences for the Canadian government and its citizens. The Relationship between Black Canadians and Civil Rights in Canada In the eyes of a Canadian, the notion of human rights has evolved drastically over time. Change is ignited when someone feels as though they are being treated unfairly and action is taken to reverse this oppressive environment. There has been a historical pattern of unjust and inhuman acts towards perceived racially inferior groups in Canadian history during the 20th century. The uprising of Black Civil Rights was a crucial step towards an equal and just society; despite Canadaââ¬â¢s influence in the fight against the Nazisââ¬â¢ repressive actions in WW2, the fight for racialShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling in Canada1166 Words à |à 5 Pagesand Owusu-Bempah, 2011, p.135). One Canadian community in particular has been impacted by racial profiling: black Canadians. There has been a significant body of literature which has attested to the veracity of the argument that black Canadians are victimized via racial profiling. For example, the Commission of Systemic Racism in the Ontario Criminal Justice System found that the majority of black respondents surveyed had been treated unfairly by the Canadian criminal justice system (Wortley andRead MoreMy 5 Significant Events Of The Canadian Elections Act840 Words à |à 4 PagesMy 5 significant events i have chosen for my Canada 150 is Canada Elections Act, The stock market crash, Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission, The adoption of the new flag,and Canadian Bill of Rights and freedoms . And My top 3 hits i will be talking about later are about The Canadian Charter of Rights, Viola Desmond , and Agnes Macphail The Canada Elections Act is an election that is held ever since 1917 to allow all citizens of Canada to vote for whom they want to represent their country andRead More Is Violence in Pursuit of Happiness Justified? Essay example1173 Words à |à 5 Pagesthreatened. Throughout history, people have had numbers of arguments on this topic. Civil disobedience is usually thought to be an ââ¬Å"illegal activity undertaken to protest laws that are regarded as unjustâ⬠(Schlesinger). In order to eliminate injustice, or at least the most unjust law in the system , people may start disobeying that particular law. Thoreau, Gandhi, and King each were closely related on the concept of civil disobedience, they all thought that the government was in need of fundamental transformationRead MoreEssay about Legitimacy of the Canadian Intervention in Libya1527 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Libyan Revolution of 2011 initiated with nonviolent political protests modeled after the events in Tunisia and Egypt, and quickly escalated to a full fledge civil war. Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar Gaddafi obtained the role of the official ruler of Libya in 1969 by a bloodless coup dââ¬â¢etat against King Idris. Gaddafi remained the official ruler of Libya from 1969 until 1977. (Calvocoressi, 2001) Subsequent to 1977, he referred to himself as a symbolic figurehead until the revolt in 2011, which contributedRead MoreThe Canadian Criminal Justice Sy stem1370 Words à |à 6 Pagesdenied exist very much in Canadian society and have seeped into the Canadian criminal justice system. The racialization of crime, discriminatory policing, minority overrepresentation in prison populations and a blatant denial of justice are aspects of the system that taint much of its past and create a worried present. This paper argues against the prevalent Canadian defence of egalitarianism by establishing the presence of systemic discrimination within the Canadian criminal justice system. WhetherRead MoreJackie Robinson Impact Canadian Identity1430 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction How did Jackie Robinson impact Canadian identity when he is considered to be a pivotal component to the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement in America? The popular Canadian Heritage Minutes feature defining moments in Canadian history that provide viewers educational backgrounds on such moments to enhance their knowledge. One such video features Jackie Robinson as a member of the Montreal Royals, the minor league affiliate to the Brooklyn Dodgers. The following will discuss the intendedRead More Comparison of US Bill of Rights and The Canadian Charter of Rights1405 Words à |à 6 PagesBILL OF RIGHTS The United States Bill of Rights came into being as a result of a promise made by the Fathers of Confederation to the states during the struggle for ratification of the Constitution in 1787-88. A great number of the states made as a condition for their ratification, the addition of amendments, which would guarantee citizens protection of their rights against the central government. Thus, we have a rather interesting situation in which the entrenchment of a bill of rights in the AmericanRead More Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois Influences on Equality594 Words à |à 3 Pagessaid, ââ¬Å"Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work.â⬠In the age of reconstruction and western expansion, civil rights bursted out like a bullet from a gun. Two men led the way into the civil rights movement, but in very different customs. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois both were huge influences to civil rights, one founding what we know today as the NAACP and the other spoke of a philosophy known as the Atlanta Compromise. Booker T. Washington has aRead MoreEssay about racial inequality1317 Words à |à 6 Pagesdetermined, for example, by the most apparent trait; skin color. Inequality emerges when people living, whether on the same sovereign terrain or across continents, are not treated with the same amount of respect and not given the chance to engage their rights in a free and fair manner. Race and inequality are often linked together because of the ââ¬Å"issues that began in the 1800sâ⬠(NFB;Journey to Justice;2000) such as racial segregation. Over the years issues of race and inequality have decreased dramaticallyRead MoreRacial Profiling: The Color of Justice in America Essay843 Words à |à 4 Pagesthrough communities all over the world. She starts by saying that although the Black Ministers Council has been trying to expose and prevent racial profiling, it still occurs. To identify the problem and to start her argument, she uses a lot of statistics to show that even though most of the individuals convicted of drug related offenses are white, the majority of people that are suspects and stopped in the streets are black. These statistics strengthen her argument once it proves with relevant facts
Reflection of Being Catholic Free Essays
People who are raised Catholic, would know what I mean when I say most parents of newborns will have their babies baptized into the faith very young, probably within the first 6 months after birth. I was a late bloomer. When I was 6 years old, my grandparents gained full custody of me, and being that my mother had never done anything to introduce me into the familyââ¬â¢s religion, my grandparents did not waste any time in having me baptized. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection of Being Catholic or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being that I was not baptized until I was six, I immediately had to take Sunday school classes for my First Reconciliation and my First Holy Communion. When I was in second grade I was already altar server, which was not an opportunity for kids until they were in fifth grade. Grade school kids who were altar servers helped with simple duties during mass such as processing in with candles, holding the prayer book for the priest to read from, etc. As a kid, I placed a lot of importance on my faith; it was really all I had. My mother was a drug addict and had left me alone worrying about what she was doing days at a time, so then my grandparents came to my rescue. With all the misfortunes in my life, religion was a means of hope and happiness. By third grade, my grandparents had me attend to St. Hughes, a Catholic school. I was saying my prayers at night, something that most kids probably would not have time for. As I continued to grow and mature, it was only typical that I encountered such problems as being out casted amongst students in class, and heartbreaks over boys throughout high school. I usually turned to prayer for relief and comfort. As life in general continued to get me down and bring me heartache, I came to the realization that perhaps there was not a God, or if there was, I had no idea how my prayers and church-going would help me. By the time I was a junior, I had stopped going to church (except for when there was holiday mass. ) I considered myself uncertain at this point. I had gone from church going altar server who said their daily prayers to someone who, dared to pray at all, I was screaming curses at God, blaming him for all the misery in my life. After high school, I immediately moved out of my grandparents place. I then decided to move in with my boyfriend and we then split three months later, due to him cheating when we were engaged to be married. I was so heart broken and confused. I saw everything I earned and worked for in my relationship was all for nothing. I went through a party girl phrase for a while with my good friend Desiree, after she found her fiance had killed himself, we just kept partying and hanging out with a crowd of bad people who did drugs and who did not care about their life. I was at a different point in my life; I felt I could see things more clearly and more for what they are. My grandmother has always offered me advice and still does to this day, but always with some ââ¬Å"Catholicâ⬠twist to it. If life got me down, or if I was going through a rough patch, my grandmother encouraged me to pray and believe in Jesus. Though listening to her advice never felt it would do me any good. There were moments of thinking God was punishing me for not being true to my faith and for the choices I was making. Today, I have changed in a lot of ways. I did move back in with my grandparents for a few more years, which was quite helpful for me to get back on my feet. I met the most amazing man of my life, who I will be marrying in 2014. I took another chance and I moved out again and I now leave in Lansdale with my fiance. I have a chance to be a step parent to two beautiful girls and show them that there are always choices in life that you will have to make that you believe are right. I do not party anymore, but I do have some concerns for my girlfriend Desiree who still does it and has a 4 year old daughter at home, but I do the best that I can to be a friend and convince her that there is more to life then partying, especially with having a child home wondering when you will be home. I do follow some of my catholic traditions I do pray here and there to God for help in certain things like good grades, better job opportunities, and of course, health. I have not attended church still for a long time unless it is a wedding or a funeral. I believe that God puts obstacles in front of us that he knows we are able to handle. I still believe that God works in mysterious ways. I have convinced myself that there is karma. I believe in what comes around goes around and I state this because I recently heard my ex-fiance has been hit with money problems, which was something he left me with when we decided to get a home together and I took out a loan to put a down payment for a home, which made me glad he will feel the stress I felt with paying back so much in a short time. I went through so much in my life that I did believe God was mad at me because I stopped praying to him or not attending church anymore, which made me think he was punishing me for all the wrong doing and hate I had towards others. I know now that I can make things turn around for the better. The past only makes you look forward to what the future has in stored for you, only you can make what you believe are the right decisions in your life either with faith or without. What happens in your past makes you stronger for the future is what I believe. How to cite Reflection of Being Catholic, Papers
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