Saturday, November 23, 2019

English-Spanish Basketball Glossary

English-Spanish Basketball Glossary If you want to talk basketball in Spanish, here are the words to do it. Since its origins in the late 18th century in Massachusetts, basketball has become an international sport. But it continues to be dominated by the United States, so it shouldnt be surprising that much of the Spanish-language vocabulary of the game comes from English. In fact, even in Spanish-speaking countries, English terms may be understood more readily than their Spanish equivalents. The Spanish vocabulary for the sport developed somewhat independently in various regions, so terms can vary not only between Spain and Latin America, but even between neighboring countries. Even the name of the game isnt uniform throughout the Spanish-speaking world. The vocabulary below represents some of the most common terms used by Spanish speakers, but it shouldnt be considered complete. Basketball Terms In Spanish air ball - el air ballassist (noun) - la asistenciabackboard - el tablerobank shot - el tiro a tablabasket (goal) - el cesto, la canastabasket (score) - la canasta, el encestebasketball (ball) - el balà ³n, la pelotabasketball (game) - el baloncesto, el bsquetbol, el basquetbol, el bsquetbox score - el box score, el sumariocenter - el/la pà ­votcheerleader - la animadora, el animador, el/la cheerleadercoach - el entrenador, la entrenadoracorner - la esquinacourt (playing field) - la pista, la canchadefend - defenderdribble (noun) - el drible, la finta, la bota, el dribblingdribble (verb) - driblardunk (noun) - el mate, el dunkfast break - el ataque rpido, el contraataqueforward - el/la alerofree throw - el tiro librehalf, quarter (period of play) - el periodo, el perà ­odohook shot - el ganchojump ball - el salto entre dosjump pass - el pase en suspensià ³njump shot - el tiro en suspensià ³nkey - la botella, la zona de tres segundosman-to-man (defense) - (la defensa) hombre a hombre, (la defensa) al hombreoffense - el ataqueovertime - la prà ³rroga, el tiempo aà ±adido, el tiempo extrapass (noun) - el pasepass (verb) - pasarpersonal foul - la falta personalpivot (verb) - pivotearplay (noun, as in three-point play) - la jugada (la jugada de tres puntos)player - el jugador, la jugadora, el/la baloncestistaplayoff - la liguilla, la eliminatoria, el playoffpoint (score) - el puntopoint guard - el/la base, el armador, la armadorapost - el postepower forward - el/la alero fuerte, el/la ala-pà ­votpress (noun) - la presià ³nrebound (noun) - el reboterebound (verb) - rebotarrecord  -   el rà ©cordreferee - el/la rbitro, el/la refereerookie - el novato, la novata, el/la rookiescreen (noun) - el bloqueoscreen (verb) - bloquearscrimmage - la escaramuzaseason - la temporadaseed, seeded (as in a tournament)  -   la clasificacià ³n, clasificadoshoot - tirarshooting guard - el/la escoltashot - el tiroteam - el equipotechnical foul - la falta tà ©cnicatimeout - el tiempo muertotip-off  -   salto entre dostournament - el torneoturnover - el balà ³n perdido, la pelota perdida, el turnoverwarmup - el calentamientowing - el/la alerozone defense - la defensa en zonazone offense - el ataque zonalzone press - el marcaje en zona Sample Spanish Sentences About Basketball These sentences have been adapted from current online publications to show how these words are used in real life. Cuando caigo hago dos movimiento de pivot y luego paso la pelota. (When I fall, I do two pivoting movements and then I pass the ball.)Pà ©rez convirtià ³ una jugada de tres puntos con 18.2 segundos por jugar en el tiempo extra. (Pà ©rez converted a three-point play with 18.2 seconds left in overtime.)Los ganadores de cada regià ³n avanzan a la Final Four. (The winners in each region adance to the Final Four. Final Four is feminine because the reference is to la ronda Final Four, or the Final Four round.)La temporada 2018-19 de la NBA es la septuagà ©simo tercera  temporada de la historia de la competicià ³n. (The 2018-19 season of the NBA is the 73rd season in the history of the competition. Note that the abbreviation NBA is treated as feminine because asociacià ³n, the word for association, is feminine.)El proceso de clasificacià ³n para el torneo de la NCAA consta de los torneos de cada conferencia. (The seeding process for the NCAA tpournament is made up of the tournamen ts of each conferencia.)El torneo es de eliminacià ³n directa y no existen partidos de consolacià ³n. (The tournament is single-elimination and there are no consolation games.) Dos tiros libres dieron la victoria a los Bulls. (Two free throws gave the win to the Bulls.)Una falta personal implica un contacto con el adversario mientras el balà ³n est en juego. (A personal foul involves contact with an opposing player while the ball is in play.)

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